Editorial Fashion Photography
What is Editorial Fashion Photography?
In editorial photography, fashion, accessories or beauty products can become an illustrative means to tell a concept or product.
I love to have a conceptual theme or visureal experience with movement with my editorial photography shoots.
Editorial Photography sells a story or an idea. Let’s take a look further!
Difference of Style:
Commercial and Fashion photography shoots try to sell a certain product, while Editorial Photography is more concerned with a story. Fashion Photography does not always have an emphasis on the garments, but the mood and styling of the image. The garments are merely an accessory to convey a certain lifestyle. Therefore, the whole image is much more complex. With the increased complexity in styling also comes an increased complexity in lighting to make the image look more dramatic.
Editorial Styling
I learned about the complexities, hardwork and drive to create a successful editorial fashion photography shoot while I worked in the photography studio at Fairchild Publications. Orchestrating the talent to perform on time, create an atmosphere of joy, and turn in a body of work that reflected the editor’s desires was paramount. I took those important elements into my own editorial fashion photography shoots, with added flavors and concepts I thought were important.
My skills at telling a visual story have improved over time. There are many factors that come into play before, during, and after an editorial fashion photography shoot. To have your ideas or concepts solid before any shooting, mood boards, run of the show, and strong communication with your team is highly recommended. Narrative, flow, editing, layout are a few key elements to a successful editorial.
Elements of Editorial Photography
Lighting for Editorial Fashion Photography varies from photographer to photographer. When I photograph a fashion shoot, I have used up to 4 lights to get the dramatic look that I wanted, but I know photographers who use ten or more lights for fashion. That is not to say that a dramatic look can not be achieved with only one light, such as a beauty dish or an octa bank. It's about the effect of the lighting and not about how many lights you use to get that effect.
As a photographer, your lens choice can make a difference in your fashion images. Editorial photography can be a combination of poses, framing and focus. Your color toning, background shade and common thread idea are a few things to keep your editorial exciting.
Lighting Samples in Editorial Photography
Does Beauty Editorial Photography fall into the same category? I believe so. Beauty Editorial Photography shoots have evolved tremendously over the last few years. With the growth in the cosmetics, skincare, and wellness businesses, beauty has taken on whole new importance in editorial photography. Beauty shoots can be very stylized with fashion pieces and accessories. Beauty shoots can also be all about cheek color, eyelid color, or any imaginable point of focus.
I love beauty editorial photoshoots that have a fashion element to them. I also love a beauty editorial shoot that just focuses on cosmetics or skin care or hairstyles.
Beauty Editorial Photography
Examples of Editorial Fashion Photography use include:
Advertising in print and digital media campaigns
Marketing and promotional materials
Corporate presentations and brochures
Commercial websites
Product packaging
Film and television
Books and book covers
Newspaper and magazine articles
Editorial features
Blog or website (for descriptive purposes)